by Healthy Relationships California | Jul 11, 2024 | Articles-English, Marriage, Relationships
Leer en Español Looking to be a better partner? Why not try scheduling sex? It may sound unromantic, but scheduling sex can actually be a great way to make sparks fly in your relationship. Life is busy, and it can be difficult to find time to connect physically with...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jul 4, 2024 | Celebrations, English, Marriage, Relationships, Research
Leer en Español As 4th of July celebrations light up the sky with dazzling displays, they can serve as a reminder of the sparks that once flew between you and your partner. Just like a spectacular fireworks show, maintaining the excitement and passion in a partnership...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jun 18, 2024 | Communication, English, Marriage, Relationships, Research
Leer en Español Over the years, researchers have learned a lot about what makes relationships work…and what leads to them falling apart. Some of the most well-known and thorough research in this area has been conducted by John and Julie Gottman, a husband and wife duo...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jun 18, 2024 | Communication, Marriage, Relationships, Research, Spanish
Read in English A lo largo de los años, los investigadores han aprendido mucho sobre lo que hace que las relaciones funcionen… y lo que las lleva a desmoronarse. Algunas de las investigaciones más conocidas y exhaustivas en esta área han sido realizadas por John...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jun 6, 2024 | Articles-Spanish, Parent and Child, Parenting, Relationships
Read in English Las vacaciones de verano están a la vuelta de la esquina y para las familias con niños en edad escolar, esto significa más tiempo libre y el desafío de mantener a los niños ocupados. En lugar de programar demasiado sus días con actividades...