by Healthy Relationships California | Aug 1, 2024 | Communication, English, Marriage, Relationships, Research
Leer en Español Effective relationship communication is crucial for a healthy and thriving partnership. It involves not just the exchange of words but the sharing of feelings, thoughts, and vulnerabilities, which is vital for building emotional intimacy—a connection...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jul 26, 2024 | Articles-English, Parent and Child, Parenting, Relationships, Research
Leer en Español One of the biggest challenges of parenting is having to manage your own emotions while helping your children manage theirs. Most dads don’t start off their day thinking, “I really want to lose it on my kids today!” But it can be tough to keep your cool...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jul 18, 2024 | Parent and Child, Parenting, Relationships, Research, Spanish
Read in English Ser padre es una de las experiencias más satisfactorias y complejas que la vida tiene para ofrecer, llena de alegría, desafíos y aprendizaje sin fin. Entre los muchos papeles que desempeñan los papás en la vida de sus hijos, uno de los más cruciales es...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jul 18, 2024 | English, Parent and Child, Parenting, Relationships, Research
Leer en Español Being a parent is one of the most fulfilling and complex experiences life has to offer, filled with joy, challenges, and endless learning. Among the many roles dads play in their kids’ lives, one of the most crucial is helping children understand and...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jul 12, 2024 | Articles-Spanish, Marriage, Relationships
Read in English ¿Quiere ser una mejor pareja? ¿Por qué no intentar programar relaciones sexuales? Puede parecer poco romántico, pero programar relaciones sexuales puede ser una excelente manera de hacer volar chispas en su relación. La vida es ocupada y puede ser...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jul 11, 2024 | Celebrations, Marriage, Relationships, Research, Spanish
Read in English A medida que las celebraciones del 4 de julio iluminan el cielo con exhibiciones deslumbrantes, pueden servir como un recordatorio de las chispas que alguna vez volaron entre usted y su pareja. Al igual que un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales,...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jul 11, 2024 | Articles-English, Marriage, Relationships
Leer en Español Looking to be a better partner? Why not try scheduling sex? It may sound unromantic, but scheduling sex can actually be a great way to make sparks fly in your relationship. Life is busy, and it can be difficult to find time to connect physically with...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jul 4, 2024 | Celebrations, English, Marriage, Relationships, Research
Leer en Español As 4th of July celebrations light up the sky with dazzling displays, they can serve as a reminder of the sparks that once flew between you and your partner. Just like a spectacular fireworks show, maintaining the excitement and passion in a partnership...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jun 18, 2024 | Communication, Marriage, Relationships, Research, Spanish
Read in English A lo largo de los años, los investigadores han aprendido mucho sobre lo que hace que las relaciones funcionen… y lo que las lleva a desmoronarse. Algunas de las investigaciones más conocidas y exhaustivas en esta área han sido realizadas por John...
by Healthy Relationships California | Jun 18, 2024 | Communication, English, Marriage, Relationships, Research
Leer en Español Over the years, researchers have learned a lot about what makes relationships work…and what leads to them falling apart. Some of the most well-known and thorough research in this area has been conducted by John and Julie Gottman, a husband and wife duo...