by Healthy Relationships California | Dec 8, 2023 | Celebrations, Marriage, Relationships, Spanish
Read in English Tradicionalmente, esta época del año es sinónimo de dar regalos o intercambiar posesiones materiales para expresar amor y aprecio. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, ha habido un movimiento creciente que alienta a las personas a cambiar su enfoque de...
by Healthy Relationships California | Dec 7, 2023 | Celebrations, English, Marriage, Relationships
Leer en Español Traditionally, this time of year is synonymous with gift-giving, exchanging material possessions to express love and appreciation. However, in recent years, there has been a growing movement encouraging people to shift their focus from stuff to time,...
by Healthy Relationships California | Nov 10, 2023 | Celebrations, English, Marriage, Parent and Child, Parenting, Relationships
Leer en Español Expressing gratitude in our relationships is a powerful way to show love and to bring partners closer together. (Read more about what gratitude can do for your relationships in this Psychology Today article.) Here are five simple and out-of-the-box...
by Healthy Relationships California | Nov 10, 2023 | Marriage, Parent and Child, Parenting, Relationships, Spanish
Read in English Expresar gratitud en nuestras relaciones es una forma poderosa de mostrar amor y acercar a la pareja. (Lea más sobre lo que la gratitud puede hacer por sus relaciones en este artículo de Psychology Today). Aquí hay cinco formas sencillas e innovadoras...
by Healthy Relationships California | Nov 6, 2023 | Celebrations, English, Marriage, Parent and Child, Parenting, Relationships
Leer en Español Happy November! This season’s focus on giving thanks makes it a great time to start keeping a gratitude journal. Actively practicing gratitude can help you find more meaning and satisfaction in all areas of your life, especially your relationships....