Team Strategies Specialist

Luke Nelson

Luke is responsible for the development and delivery of our proven relationship curricula in targeted communities across the state of California. With decades of consulting and leadership experience, Luke brings relevant insights, life experience and humor to each learning environment. Luke’s career is punctuated by management in the non-profit sector, master trainer in marriage and parenting curricula and consulting in Marriage and Family initiatives nationally. He is committed to the work of building strong, healthy, and vital relationships for couples and families. Luke lives in Heath, TX and enjoys the outdoors, fishing and spending time with his wife, and best friend -Deb, three children (includes Son-in-law) and 4 grandchildren. Nothing better than HS football nights in Texas! 

Get To Know You

  • Where are you from? – Originally, Washington State now living in Heath, TX.
  • How many years have you worked for HRC? – 6 months – this time around.
  • What is your favorite relationship principle you have learned from HRC? – Power Listening skills and the foundation of three conditions for growth (empathy, acceptance, and genuineness).
  • What is your favorite movie and/or book? – Movies: James Bond Series | Book: James Rollins – SIGMA Force series
  • What is your favorite place to travel?Rosario Resort on Ocas Island – San Juans, WA.
  • Tell us a little about your family. – My wife Deb and I met at college and have built a wonderful life together (48 years) with 2 grown children (boy and girl +her husband) and 4 Grandkids (3 boys and a princess), who are a big part of our lives and activities.
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