Director of Case Management

Kim Patterson

Get To Know You

  • Where are you from? – I grew up in Manhattan Beach California, but now live in Ventura County.
  • How many years have you worked for HRC? – 7 years.
  • What is your favorite relationship principle you have learned from HRC? – XYZ Messages.
  • What is your favorite movie and/or book?Book: The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. A fictionalized account of the impact of women and other unseen/unheard people on the impact of the start of the first Oxford Dictionary.
  • What is your favorite place to travel? – Anywhere new! I have traveled across the globe, and I love experiencing new places, but still find some of my favorite places to return to are in California.
  • Tell us a little about your family.Two adult children… two dogs and three cats. We are outnumbered by pets.
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