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Expressing gratitude in our relationships is a powerful way to show love and to bring partners closer together. (Read more about what gratitude can do for your relationships in this Psychology Today article.) Here are five simple and out-of-the-box ways you can show your partner that you are grateful for them:

1. Check something difficult off their to-do list

Does your partner have a project they’ve been meaning to get around to, or a task that they dread doing every week? Show them you appreciate and recognize all their hard work by doing it for them.

2. Plan some time together for the two of you

Going on a date, taking a walk, or just sitting and talking can be a meaningful way to let your partner know that they matter to you and that you are grateful for them in your life.

3. Get them a thoughtful gift

This doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive! It can be something as simple as a favorite treat, a book they have had their eye on, or even a funny sticker that reminds you of a joke between the two of you. Whatever you choose, getting something for your partner to let them know you are thinking of them and are grateful for what they bring to your relationship is a great way to say “Thanks.”

Need some more ideas? Check out this article from The Knot with a long list of unique gift ideas for the love of your life.

4. Give them a kiss

Whether it’s a quick peck to say “See you later” as you head out, or something more passionate, taking opportunities for physical connection can help you show your partner a little extra appreciation.

5. Tell them what you appreciate about them

Sometimes the best way to show gratitude is to say it out loud! You can make your verbal expressions of gratitude particularly meaningful by getting specific. Find opportunities to let your partner know why you are grateful for them, what they do that you appreciate, and share specific examples of when you have felt gratitude for them.

Want more help with practicing gratitude in your relationships? Read our last post, “Gratitude Journal: 15 Prompts” for ideas, and be sure to check out HRC’s R3 Academy to learn more about our FREE relationship workshops!