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Note: These tips are intended for couples who are in a healthy, non-abusive relationship. If you are experiencing abuse, you do not need to continue giving your partner chances to repair. You deserve safety, respect, and love, and you deserve to get help. Please visit this website for more information and assistance.

Every relationship experiences conflict at some point or another. Conflict is a natural, and even positive, part of healthy relationships, as it can help partners learn from each other, build trust, and solve problems together. Because we are human, however, it also is highly likely that we won’t always handle conflict in ways that are beneficial and constructive. We are bound to make mistakes, hurt feelings, and create self-inflicted barriers to connection with our partner. This means that learning how to repair when we fall short is crucial for maintaining better relationships long-term.

What Is a Relationship Repair?

First, let’s define what it means to make a relationship repair. A relationship repair is a process in which partners address conflicts or issues that have caused a rift in their connection. It’s about acknowledging mistakes, taking responsibility, and making amends to restore trust and harmony. This process can involve sincere apologies, open communication, and actions to make up for any harm caused. 

Relationship repairs are essential for healing and growth, allowing couples to move past misunderstandings and strengthen their bond. Repairs are a key component of maintaining a better relationship over time, and, when done well, have the potential to make a relationship even stronger than before the falling out. Below are five tips for improving your relationship repairs:

Tip #1: Repair Often

Taking the initiative to repair often is an essential habit for maintaining a better relationship. Making mistakes is part of learning and growing together as a couple, but without the repair process, even small misunderstandings can quickly lead to hurt and disconnection. Don’t let those little rifts turn into devastating cracks in your relationship! As soon as you find that something has come between you, do what you can to quickly turn to your partner and initiate a repair. Doing this will help you build trust, promote understanding, and avoid building up resentment over time.

Tip #2: Pay Attention to the Setting

When and where you choose to initiate a repair can significantly impact its success. Sometimes you or your partner will need time to process and get calm before a repair can effectively heal your hearts. When you aren’t in conflict, discuss with each other when and how you prefer to be approached for a repair. And be willing to be flexible if someone’s needs change or if a situation calls for a different approach. 

In addition to timing, location can make or break a repair attempt. Before engaging in a repair, consider whether the current environment is conducive to a calm and constructive conversation. Choose a setting that ensures both physical and emotional safety for you and your partner. If possible, a place that is quiet and free of distractions can help both partners feel more at ease and open to communication. Be sensitive if there are other people around, and consider whether or not privacy could be appropriate or needful.

Tip #3: Give a Sincere Apology

A sincere apology is crucial for effective relationship repair. When you apologize, be sure to:

  1. Acknowledge your mistake;
  2. Recognize any pain or hurt you caused;
  3. Express genuine remorse; 
  4. Share your plan to make it right; and 
  5. Demonstrate a commitment to change. 

An apology that uses these five elements could sound something like, “I know that what I said earlier really hurt your feelings. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, and I’m really sorry that I acted out of anger. Next time I’m feeling that upset, I’ll ask for a time out so I can calm down before I say something I regret. How can I make it up to you?”

Being willing to sincerely apologize when you are in the wrong leads to a better relationship, as it fosters trust and shows your partner that you are taking responsibility for your actions. By offering a heartfelt apology, you can begin to mend any hurt feelings and move forward in a positive direction​.

Repairing often, intentionally seeking a safe and appropriate time and place, giving sincere apologies, forgiving freely, and finding meaningful ways to reconnect are all important elements of better relationship repairs.

Tip #4: Forgive Freely

Forgiveness is an ongoing process that encourages healing and strengthens the bond between partners, and is an integral part of better relationship repairs. By forgiving freely, you allow both yourself and your partner to move on and grow from the experience. On the other hand, holding onto grudges or keeping score with past mistakes can create ongoing tension and resentment—driving a wedge between you and your partner that will only grow over time. 

Choose to practice empathy and understanding, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes. Try your best to give your partner the benefit of the doubt, and to allow room for imperfection. Also remember that forgiveness does not mean letting someone hurt you again and again. Set healthy boundaries that promote respect and love between you and your partner, and seek outside help if you are stuck in negative patterns.

Tip #5: Reconnect in a Way that Works for You

After addressing and repairing a conflict, finding ways to reconnect is essential for healing and fortifying your relationship. This reconnection can take various forms, depending on what works best for you and your partner. Physical reconnection, such as hugging, holding hands, or having sex can reaffirm emotional closeness. Small gifts or gestures, shared laughter, or spending quality time together also can help rebuild intimacy and reinforce the connection between partners. 

Communicate together about what works best for you, and keep the conversation open as time goes by and situations change. A better relationship thrives when partners actively seek ways to reconnect and show appreciation for each other​.


Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship, but learning how to repair and reconnect can make all the difference in maintaining a better relationship. By repairing often, intentionally seeking a safe and appropriate time and place, giving sincere apologies, forgiving freely, and finding meaningful ways to reconnect, couples can strengthen their bond and foster a healthier, more fulfilling partnership.

Want more relationship help? Check out our R3 Academy, where you can learn healthy relationship skills for free!