HRC est. 2005
HRC Research
Here at HRC, it is important to us that we provide you with the most accurate and the most helpful information. As such, we are committed to teaching only research- and evidence-based curricula that is up-to-date and effective. See below, for the research we have conducted on our programs, as well as additional resources that inform our practices.

Estos Dos Hábitos Arruinarán Su Relación (y Qué Hacer en Su Lugar)
Read in English A lo largo de los años, los investigadores han aprendido mucho sobre lo que hace que las relaciones funcionen... y lo que las lleva a desmoronarse. Algunas de las investigaciones más conocidas y exhaustivas en esta área han sido realizadas por John y...
These Two Habits Will Wreck Your Relationship (and What to Do Instead)
Leer en Español Over the years, researchers have learned a lot about what makes relationships work…and what leads to them falling apart. Some of the most well-known and thorough research in this area has been conducted by John and Julie Gottman, a husband and wife duo...
ER Parte 2: La Educación Relacional Mejora la Vida Familiar
Read in English La semana pasada, discutimos los conceptos básicos de la Educación Relacional (ER): qué es, los conceptos que definen el campo y cómo HRC encaja en el panorama más amplio de la ER. ¡Esta semana queremos centrarnos en por qué la ER es importante y cómo...
RE Part 2: Relationship Education Makes Family Life Better
Leer en Español Last week, we discussed the basics of Relationship Education (RE)–what it is, the concepts that define the field, and how HRC fits into the wider RE picture. This week, we want to focus on why RE matters, and how it can help you in your relationships!...
Fomentar Relaciones Saludables: ¿Qué es la Educación Relacional?
Read in English El campo de la Educación Relacional (ER) es una rama de la educación enfocada en ayudar a personas y familias a tener relaciones saludables, y es un recurso vital para las personas que navegan por las complejidades del amor, la paternidad, y la...
Nurturing Healthy Relationships: What Is Relationship Education?
Leer en Español The field of Relationship Education (RE) is a branch of education focused on helping individuals and families to have healthy relationships, and is a vital resource for people navigating the complexities of love, parenting, and connection of any kind....
Research Brief #6
Why Marriage Matters in America
An infographic illustrating the individual, family, and social impacts of both marital success and marital failure.
Marriage Education: An Important Investment in Cultural Change
Former HRC President Patty Howell outlines a brief history of Marriage Education, and provides a more current context for HRC's mission to help couples improve their relationships and reduce divorce.
The Case for Relationship Education
Former HRC President Patty Howell lays out decades of research-based evidence supporting the need for Relationship Education.