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Happy November! This season’s focus on giving thanks makes it a great time to start keeping a gratitude journal. Actively practicing gratitude can help you find more meaning and satisfaction in all areas of your life, especially your relationships. (Check out this article from Harvard Medical School about the research connecting gratitude and happiness.) Keeping a journal where you take time each day to focus on what you are thankful for is a common practice for someone who wants to boost their happiness by intentionally living out more gratitude. (Watch this short video to hear about Oprah’s experience with keeping a gratitude journal.) So why don’t you try it this month?

Gratitude Prompts

Below are 15 prompts for you to explore to help spark thankfulness and joy in your life this month. Try choosing a few to write about each week, and don’t hesitate to really dig into the details! The more specific you can get, the more deeply you will connect to your writing, the memories attached to it, and the gratitude to be found within. As you seek to implement this practice into your month, also notice and record how it makes you feel.

Write about:

  • Someone who has shaped your life in a positive way and how they have impacted you.
  • An attribute that you are thankful for in someone you love (a partner, best friend, coworker, etc.).
  • Someone who has shown support for you in a difficult time.
  • A kind act that you noticed today (whether directed at you or someone else).
  • A place for which you are grateful.
  • A person you wish you could tell about their positive impact on your life.
  • A memory that sparks gratitude.
  • An object in your life that makes things easier or more comfortable.
  • A relationship that has brought meaning to your life.
  • A stranger who acted kindly towards you.
  • The person in your life right now for whom you are most grateful.
  • A time where you served someone.
  • A place where you feel at home.
  • A moment in your life when you felt gratitude.
  • An attribute that you have for which you are thankful.

Happy writing and happy holidays!

For more ideas or information go to Healthy Relationships California and R3 Academy.