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New Year’s resolutions have become a tradition, a symbolic gesture of our commitment to self-improvement and personal growth. However, let’s be honest: How many of us have enthusiastically set resolutions, only to abandon them by February (or earlier!)? Guilty as charged! But fear not, because this year, we’re digging into the art of crafting resolutions that stick, and, more importantly, contribute to enriching the relationships we hold dear.

Reflecting On the Past

Before we plunge into the world of resolutions, let’s take a moment to reflect on the year that was—the triumphs, the setbacks, and the lessons learned. As we bid adieu to the last 12 months, it’s essential to carry forward the wisdom gained from our experiences. Think of it as a mental inventory, a catalog of insights that will guide us in crafting resolutions that not only are realistic but also deeply meaningful.

Writing specific resolutions can help you be more likely to achieve them.

Getting Specific

Now, let’s talk about the nitty-gritty of crafting resolutions. The first step toward success in achieving your goals is to be specific in setting them. Goals that lack focus are a lot more difficult to pursue, because we don’t know exactly what success is supposed to look like. When we set specific goals, however, we can make a clear and effective plan to achieve them.

Consider this: Rather than setting lofty, generic goals, identify specific areas where you want to grow. An alternative to a vague resolution like “Fall more in love with my spouse” could be “Spend 10 minutes each day checking in with my spouse after work.” This approach not only sets a clear objective but also aligns with the broader goal of strengthening your relationship.

Crafting Resolutions with Purpose

When it comes to setting goals that stick, it’s not just about what you want to achieve; it’s about why you want to achieve it. The “why” is your driving force, your motivation when the going gets tough. So, let’s dig deep and find the purpose behind our resolutions.

Consider your relationships with loved ones. Instead of a generic resolution like “Spend more time with family,” pinpoint the “why” behind it. Is it because you want to create lasting memories? Strengthen bonds? Perhaps it’s about expressing love and appreciation more consistently. When you attach a purpose to your resolution, it becomes a compass guiding your actions.

For example, your resolution could be to “Schedule a weekly family game night to foster stronger connections and create cherished moments.” This not only articulates the “what” but also emphasizes the “why”—the desire for meaningful connections and shared joy.

Setting Realistic Expectations

One common pitfall in resolution-setting is the tendency to aim for the stars without considering the journey to get there. Unrealistic expectations often lead to frustration and eventual abandonment of our well-intended goals. It’s time to break the cycle by setting resolutions that are challenging yet achievable.

In the realm of relationships, think about the realistic commitments you can make to enhance your connections. If your desire is to improve communication with your partner, break it down into manageable steps. This might involve setting aside dedicated time for meaningful conversations, practicing active listening, or attending couples’ workshops to learn how to navigate challenges together.

By setting realistic expectations, you’re more likely to experience small victories along the way, reinforcing your commitment and motivation to continue. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination.


Ever notice how we’re more likely to stick to our goals when we’re held accountable? Accountability adds a layer of commitment to our resolutions, transforming them from fleeting desires to steadfast commitments. Share your resolutions with someone you trust—a friend, a family member, or a significant other—and ask them to come alongside you on your resolution journey.

In the context of relationships, accountability can take various forms. Suppose your resolution is to “Write a handwritten note to one person each week expressing gratitude for them.” In that case, you might ask a friend to periodically check in on your progress, creating a supportive network that fuels your commitment.

Or consider implementing a joint resolution with your partner, such as “Attend a monthly couples’ workshop to enhance our relationship.” This shared goal not only strengthens your bond but also provides a built-in support system, making the journey more enjoyable and sustainable.

Embracing Flexibility

Life is unpredictable, and even the most meticulously crafted resolutions may face unexpected challenges. The key to success lies in our ability to adapt and recalibrate rather than abandoning ship when faced with obstacles.

Let’s say your resolution is to go on a date with your partner every Friday night. Life might throw curveballs, making it challenging to stick to a rigid schedule. Instead of viewing this as a failure, embrace flexibility. Adjust the frequency or nature of your date nights based on life’s demands, while ensuring that the essence of connection and quality time remains intact.

Flexibility in resolutions doesn’t equate to abandoning them; it’s about finding adaptive solutions that align with your overarching goals. By embracing flexibility, you’ll navigate the ebb and flow of life with resilience and determination.

Celebrating Milestones

Throughout your resolution journey, take time to celebrate the milestones—no matter how small. Acknowledging progress boosts morale and reinforces the positive habits you’re cultivating. Celebrate not only the destination but also the journey itself.

When it comes to your close relationships, celebrate the little victories that contribute to a healthier and more fulfilling connection. If your resolution is to “Practice daily acts of kindness toward my loved ones,” celebrate each instance where you went the extra mile to bring joy or support to someone’s life.

Consider creating a milestone calendar, marking significant achievements and moments of growth in your relationships. This visual representation serves as a powerful reminder of the positive changes you’re making and the impact they have on your loved ones.


This year, let your resolutions be full of purpose and grounded in reflection, realistic expectations, accountability, flexibility, and the celebration of progress. As you strive for personal growth, may the ripples of positive change extend to the relationships that make life truly meaningful. Cheers to a new year, a new you, and the enduring bonds that elevate our human experience!

Want more ideas for how to strengthen your romantic relationship? Check out our free workshop, the R3 Academy for Couples!