Research Manager
Braquel Egginton
Braquel has several years of experience working in relationship education. Before serving as HRC’s Research Manager, she worked as a Data Manager, Instructor, and Recruiter for ShowMe Healthy Relationships in Missouri. As an instructor, Braquel taught Gottman’s 7 Principles of Making Marriage Work, PICK a Partner singles Relationship Education Program, Smart Steps Stepfamily Relationship Education Program, and Within My Reach Singles Relationship Education Program. She also conducted multiple evaluations of relationship education programs including a meta-analysis of Fatherhood Education, and evaluations of the previously mentioned single and couple education programs.
Get To Know You
- Where are you from? – Bountiful, Utah.
- How many years have you worked for HRC? – 1 year.
- What is your favorite movie and/or book? – Movie: Gladiator | Book: Golden Son by Pierce Brown (Book 2 of the Red Rising Series)
- What is your favorite place to travel? – Scotland (though Ohio is a close second!)